Today, the Brewers Association (BA) released some very positive figures on the growth of the craft beer revolution. Both volume and sales levels for craft beer have reached record highs, despite overall decline in beer sales and consumption, meaning that the market share has increased rapidly and helped generate new interest and business in the brewing industry overall.
In 2013, craft brewers reached 7.8 percent volume of the total U.S. beer market, up from 6.5 percent in 2012. They also reached a total of 15.6 million barrels (up 18 percent), and saw retail dollar value climb 20 percent to hit a staggering $14.3 billion dollars.
Bart Watson, staff economist at Brewers Association, said “With this stellar year, craft has now averaged 10.9 percent growth over the last decade,” said . “Beer drinkers are excited about what small and independent brewers are offering and that is evidenced by the rising production and sales of the craft segment.”
Craft Beer Growth For Breweries
In addition to the global sales, the number of breweries operating in the US reached 2,822 and of those; 2,768 are considered craft breweries. These 2013 totals include the 413 new openings of the last 12 months, and the 44 closures. When the staff at these new establishments are combined with the existing craft breweries and brewpubs, the craft beer industry provides jobs for 110,273 people, adding nearly 2,000 more jobs from 2012.
“Openings of brewing facilities continue to far outpace closings, demonstrating that the demand for high-quality, local, fuller-flavored beers is only increasing,” added Watson. “The geographic diversity of openings and production growth shows the national nature of this movement. In towns all across the country, craft brewers are creating jobs, delivering innovative products, advancing the beverage of beer and strengthening their local economies.”
For the full report on craft beer growth, go to The Brewers Association.
Also check out the largest craft beer tap list in Chicago (Howells & Hood)
by Bottleneck Management.